Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Must by Crazy..

Because I am currently training for a 5K run in February. I, along with many of my close girlfriends, plan to run the Disney Princess half-marathon. I'm starting out slow and am shooting for the 5K for now. I think that's a reasonable goal so I started the Couch to 5K program yesterday and OMG my legs feel like they're going to fall off. But I'm committed to seeing this thing through so I'm going to keep pressing on. I'm hoping that by the time I register for this thing I'll be able to do the half-marathon but that goal is pretty daunting right now.

So the preparation for this thing is to first get myself running regularly. Like I said I started Couch to 5K yesterday and while it was tough for me I feel confident that I'll be able to do this. My husband is also doing this with me so we'll be able to keep each other accountable - we want to be healthier and get into better shape so doing things together makes that so much easier. I am also wanting to start eating a bit healthier so I went out and bought a new cookbook and I am salivating over the recipes I've thumbed through so far.

I'm pretty excited about this and I hope I can keep up this level of excitement to motivate myself to keep going forward. I'm going to try to log my progress here and keep up with how far I'm running each day. This is going to be one more way to keep myself accountable : )

So my first update here will be my run from yesterday - I used the treadmill since it is hot as balls outside right now and it was close to noon before we were able to get up and actually run.
Time spent running/walking: 25:00 minutes
Distance traveled: 1.5 miles

Tomorrow will be week 1 day 2 of C25K and I'll post another update then. Help keep me accountable! I can do this!!

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